
WCC考试中心的目的是为WCC学生提供一个安全的环境,在这个环境中,学生可以代表他们的导师监考.  In addition to tests for WCC courses, WCC考试中心作为监考地点(应要求)为需要完成外部课程评估的非WCC学生. TEAS testing is available by appointment (see the bottom of the page for full details). For the convenience of students, WCC offers three testing locations: Wytheville, 加莱克斯(十字路口研究所), 玛丽昂(亨德森).  

WCC 测试中心 - Wytheville

  • 电话:(276)223-4825 
  • 计划在威斯维尔校区参加考试的学生应在布兰德大厅下层学生服务站的咨询台登记.
  • No tests will be started after 3 p.m. All tests must be finished by 5 p.m.

WCC at the Crossroads Institute - 加莱克斯

  • 电话:(276)744-4974
  • 所有计划在十字路口考试的学生应在进入考试中心之前到WCC办公室(从正门进入后右侧的第一个办公室)登记.
  • No tests will be started after 3 p.m. All tests must be finished by 5 p.m.


  • If testing at the Henderson, please call ahead to verify availability - 电话: (276) 783-1777
  • 计划在亨德森考试的学生应在WCC办公室(亨德森大楼2楼)登记。.
  • No tests will be started after 3 p.m. All tests must be finished by 5 p.m.


  • 所有学生(WCC或其他)必须出示带照片的身份证件,以便在WCC测试中心进行任何评估.
  • Plan ahead to ensure testing arrangements are made in plenty of time prior to due dates.
    • 监考申请表必须在所需测试日期前不迟于5个工作日提交给测试协调员.
  • 监控测试中心的工作时间,并在公布的关闭时间之前有足够的时间到达完成测试.  截止考试时间仍在考试的学生将被要求提交/退出考试.
  • Know how to navigate the online learning platform (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.) being used for assessments as well as login credentials (username and password). 
  • Children are 不 permitted in the testing area, and child supervision is 不 provided for test-takers.
  • 没有食物, 喝, 烟草制品, 手机/电子, or other personal belongings are permitted in the testing area.
  • By signing in to test at a WCC 测试中心, you acknowledge and agree to all terms of the WCC检测中心协议 

任何觉得自己可能需要基于残疾影响的测试住宿的学生都应该私下联系残疾服务办公室,讨论具体需求.  请致电(276)223-4102与学生服务部门联系,以确定资格并协调合理的住宿.  Click here for additional information about disability services.


希望在WCC考试中心以外的考试地点参加WCC课程考试的学生需要下载一份官方的考试表格 WCC监考申请表 before a test can be sent to the approved, external testing site.  同意参加考试的正式监考人必须填写表格并将其交还给考试协调员. The WCC监考申请表 should be sent to testing@wcc.个电流.edu 或传真至(276)223-4861 no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date.  It is the student's responsibility to plan ahead to ensure testing arrangements are made in plenty of time prior to due dates.

Proctoring Service for Non-WCC Tests

需要为WCC以外的机构监考的个人需要从他们参加课程的机构获得监考申请表,并将其发送给监考机构 testing@wcc.个电流.edu or fax to (276) 223-4861 for review.  Please 不e:  other institutions will 不 accept the WCC监考申请表.  一次审查, WCC will send the form back to the student's institution to obtain the needed testing materials.  All proctor requests should be submitted to WCC no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date.  It is the student's responsibility to plan ahead to ensure testing arrangements are made in plenty of time prior to due dates.


To successfully administer testing at our WCC 测试中心s, faculty are strongly encouraged to complete an official 教员传送表 prior to administering testing.  我所有的nstructor Transmittal 形式 need to be sent to testing@wcc.个电流.edu no later than 5 business days prior to the desired testing date 以便所有WCC测试中心都能随时获得测试信息(出于这个原因), 请发电子邮件,不要传真). 


Call 276-223-4825 to speak to an advisor.

College Credit Through Advanced Standing

博彩平台网址大全认识到,学习可以通过多种方式进行,包括工作经验, 广泛的阅读, hobbies or vocational endeavors and other similar activities. 先进的立场程序的基本前提是,计划放置的学生应该有机会获得适当的大学学分,当他们以前的学习, training or life and work experiences have already provided the knowledge, competencies or skills associated with a course. 学院对这种先进地位理念的承诺与确保与传统教学相当的学术质量标准的任务相结合. 通过高级学分申请学分的程序可以从WCC招生和记录办公室获得.

WCC招生和记录办公室(布兰德大厅214室)将根据要求向学生提供“博彩平台网址大全学分”小册子的副本, or you can find the advanced standing information here.

Definition of Advanced Standing

高级学分是指通过以前的学术研究或职业经验获得的学科能力的学术学分. 这可能包括, 但不限于, college credit and advancement based upon individual participation in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Entrance Examination Board; other placement examinations; articulation agreements with other institutions; transfer credit from other accredited institutions of higher learning; training provided by non-collegiate institutions, such as armed forces and service schools; professional certification or experiential learning.

Criteria Governing Advanced Standing

The following criteria apply to all forms of advanced standing:

  • To be eligible for advanced standing, students must be currently enrolled in a program at the College.
  • Advanced standing must be applied toward a specific program at the College. Non-curricular students are 不 eligible for advanced standing.
  • 为了从WCC毕业, a student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credits required for the degree, 文凭, 或WCC证书.
  • 转学学分可以达到学位、文凭或证书要求的75%. Credit-by-portfolio may be awarded for up to 25% of the academic degree requirements. In all cases, at least 25% of the academic degree requirements must be completed at WCC.
  • Award of credit through advanced standing shall be given, 尽可能地, to courses listed in the current “目录. In certain instances, advanced standing credit may be awarded for courses listed in the Virginia Community College System Master Course Guide.
  • No credit shall be awarded that duplicates earned course credit at the College, 在其他机构, or other credit awarded through advanced standing.
  • 学生可能 申请某一特定课程的考试学分,如果他们已经注册了该课程(无论是学分还是审核), either at WCC or at a不her institution.

The College reserves the right to place a time limit on prior learning experiences. 学院保留对以前在其他院校修过的技术课程的学分设置时间限制的权利. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Development, in consultation with the appropriate program faculty, 将决定五年前的课程是否可以用在学生目前的学习项目中.

学生有责任向学院提供先前学习的适当官方文件. In the case of foreign transcripts, 学生必须承担由经批准的评估机构评估成绩单的责任. 学校鼓励学生按课程而不是按学位评估他们的外国成绩单. A listing of agencies that are approved to evaluate foreign transcripts is available in the 博彩平台网址大全 Credit Through Advanced Standing 在线小册子.

The official transcript shall specify the type of advanced standing, 相同的课程, and the number of credits awarded. Advanced standing credit shall be distinct from earned course credit.

没有成绩, 平均绩点, 或其他学术地位的指示应与官方成绩单上的高级地位条目相关联.

Credit awarded through advanced standing is applicable only to WCC’s curricular requirements. Students are cautioned that credits awarded through AP examinations, CLEP考试, credit-by-examination, 信贷消费-投资组合, 其他专上院校转学时,不接受以其他方式取得的成绩.



TEAS testing for Selective Health Professions 项目 Information (click here)